Advantages Coated Plate Heat Exchanger
Reduced space requirements due to pillow plate design
The characteristic pillow structure of the metallic base body (pillow plate design) promotes turbulence of the heat exchange medium resulting in a high heat transfer coefficient. A total thickness of 11 mm reduces the space requirements in terms of volume. Despite reduced volume and area, sufficient power is transmitted, therefore saving space, weight, material and costs.
Compounding improves coating properties
Die Beimengung von Zusätzen zum Beschichtungswerkstoff wird als Compoundierung bezeichnet. Die Zusätze verbessern die Wärmeübertragung und erhalten die chemische und mechanische Beständigkeit der Beschichtung. Die Antihaftwirkung der Beschichtung wird durch die Compoundierung nicht beeinflusst. Damit ist der Beschichtungswerkstoff optimal für das Anwendungsgebiet der beschichteten Plattenwärmetauscher SYNOTHERM® angepasst. Die Funktionalität des Wärmetauschers im Zusammenspiel von Grundkörper und Beschichtung wurde in mehreren Versuchen und Feldtests überprüft und validiert.
Anti-adhesive fluoropolymer coating
With its anti-adhesive properties the coating ensures efficient heat transfer and process conditions when fouling, encrustations and depositions usually reduce thermal efficiency of heat exchangers. The tendency to encrustation in solutions containing fouling materials, like e.g. in zinc phosphating bathes, is significantly reduced. Since cleaning is easily done your service intervals are extended, your maintenance effort is reduced and good working order of your system is ensured.
Optimized combination of heat exchanger and coating
The design of the metallic base plate and its attachments was adapted to the coating requirements so that coated plate heat exchangers fulfill the requirements according to the conditions in which they are to be applied. Different coating processes and materials were investigated for mechanical and chemical stability, layer thickness and thermal conductivity to provide the best suited coating. Design modifications of the metallic base plate ensure a high coating quality.